In 2 days
Beautiful beauties.....
Beautifully Relaxed - Humor for Those Who Reject Stress
In a world that is constantly and rapidly changing, we want to remain stable in our daily lives. And of course, without stressing ourselves – because stress dumbs us down (or: stress – only stresses!). This is exactly where the lightness of Johannes Flöck comes into play with his new comedy program "Beautifully Relaxed".
With his unique, likable style and his graceful blend of anecdotes and reflections, he takes us on everyday adventures that are often lived experiences, leading to one outcome – laughing and happy spectators. Whether on vacation or in relationships, in nutrition or sports – Johannes Flöck consistently finds solutions that can simplify our lives, and he does this with ease.
"Long live aging," proclaims Flöck as a self-proclaimed rejecter of stress, offering helpful tips sprinkled with plenty of humor and self-irony – so you too can easily remain (with ease) young and like Flöck... because as Flöck says: Nothing makes you younger than indulging in things that are pleasurable.
Doors open at 7:30 PM
Tickets at: Ticket Regional: Beautifully Relaxed - Johannes Flöck - Nassau, Günter-Leifheit Cultural Center