
the place was first mentioned in 1260

Under changing lords of the manor the spelling of the place name changed several times until in the 18th century the present name manifested itself. In 1842 the village burned down except for a few houses. After that, many farmsteads were built in a uniform pattern that is still easily recognizable today. Lollschied's landmark is the over 400-year-old oak tree at the cemetery, which is a protected monument and can also be found in the village emblem. The community is located in the Nassau Nature Park and has a total area of approx. 420 ha with more than 230 ha of forest soil. Over the centuries, agriculture and the timber industry formed the main basis of life. Today Lollschied is an almost pure residential community with about 220 inhabitants. The working people commute to work in the middle centres of the neighbourhood, but also to the Rhine-Main area.


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