
Lies about 1 km before the confluence of the Gelbachtal

In the 15th century another place name Sygelanre (Sigelanre) and Siegelähr (Siegellähr) came up. But the name Weynähr is also mentioned just as often, especially in German, because of its origin and importance of the viticulture which was carried on here. In addition to viticulture, mining, which was carried on in the Lahn and Gelbach valleys until 1955, was of great economic importance. Since about 1920, the citizens of Weinähr have been growing strawberries on a large scale. This earned the village the name "wine and strawberry village". Currently, tourism is an important economic factor of the community. The local hotels, restaurants and guesthouses accommodate about 5,000 guests annually and count about 25,000 overnight stays. The viticulture, which is carried out on an area of about 1 hectare, is certainly conducive to tourism. The community Weinähr currently has 514 inhabitants.