Nassau lock

Short facts

  • Nassau
  • Nature experience

Here you can admire a hydroelectric power station and a fish ladder

At the Nassau lock, the hydroelectric power plant generates electricity through the use of renewable energies. For this purpose, the water of the river is first dammed up by dams, then flows down the gradient through pressure pipes and drives turbines at the lower end. The turbines convert this water power into usable energy via a generator. For fish, the sluice represents an almost insurmountable obstacle. For this reason, a fish ladder was built on the left side of the bank to allow migrating fish to pass through. The fish pass is a combination of a concrete basin and a natural river bed. The height difference of the water, which the fish have to overcome by jumping and swimming, is 13 cm from basin to basin. One aim of the fish ladders is, for example, also the reintroduction of salmon in the Lahn.

The lock can be crossed on foot via a flight of steps. Lock times: From 1 April to 31 October, locks are open daily from 10:00 - 12:00 and 12:30 - 18:30 (last entry at 18:15).

On the map


56377 Nassau

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