Half-timbered town hall Dausenau

Short facts

  • Dausenau
  • historic sites

The half-timbered town hall, built around 1434, is built onto the town wall on the Lahn side. It is the second oldest late Gothic half-timbered town hall in Germany and stands on a solid stone base.

The half-timbered town hall has a long history: built around 1434, it served as the town hall and administrative centre until around 1830. The local court had the possibility of arresting people in it. The prison room was on the first floor and, according to tradition, accused witches from Dausenau were temporarily imprisoned and tortured there in the 17th century. In 1830, the municipality built a new town hall with a school and the old half-timbered town hall served as a barn, the basement later as storage for the fire engine and occasionally as a mortuary.

On the map

Lahnstraße 18

56132 Dausenau

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