Roman fort

Short facts

  • Bad Ems
  • Roman Limes

Former Roman fort on the site of today's Martinskirche

Already in the 1st century A.D. the Romans searched for ore on the nearby Blöskopf. After the construction of the Limes around 100 AD, they erected a stone fort measuring 90 m x 140 m side length for the border soldiers here - in the area of the Martinskirche - in the 2nd century. The staff and administration building (principia) probably stood south of the church. The camp village (vicus) extended in front of the west gate. Where the house front now runs opposite, the strip houses of craftsmen and merchants stood. One of them made tools with handles made of deer horn. The horseman Mercator marked his vessels with his name. In front of the southern gate of the fort was the fort bath. It was equipped with hot and cold baths, a water pipe, and floor and wall heating (hypocausts). Numerous finds in the museum give a lively impression of Roman life in Bad Ems.

On the map

Marktstraße 12

56130 Bad Ems

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