Willi Hufnagel path

Short facts

  • start: Parkplatz Umgehungsstraße
  • destination: Parkplatz Umgehungsstraße
  • easy
  • 1,70 km
  • 40 minutes
  • 75 m
  • 163 m
  • 90 m
  • 40 / 100
  • 40 / 100

best season

Short but beautiful

This old vineyard trail was named after WilliHufnagel, a passionate hiker who was committed to the preservation of nature and local characteristics and also wrote the first local history documentation about the village history of the Lahnort. With many benches for resting, the path today offers wonderful views of the Lahn valley.

General information

  • Stop at an Inn
  • Loop Road
  • Labelling
  • Mainly Sunny
Getting there

Mit dem PKW von Bad Ems über B260 fahren


Parkplatz Umgehungsstraße (kostenlos)

Public transit

Mit dem Zug nach Nievern, dann Fußweg nach Fachbach


Wanderkarte Bad Ems 1:20.000

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