Great Kemmenauer Path

Short facts

  • start: Parkplatz Friedhof
  • destination: Parkplatz Friedhof
  • easy
  • 9,00 km
  • 2 hours 50 minutes
  • 192 m
  • 463 m
  • 347 m
  • 20 / 100
  • 60 / 100

best season

Quite high above the Lahn Valley

Those who hike on the Großer Kemmenauer Weg have overcome the steep and narrow valleys of the Lahn and move along the old land surface with leisurely ascents and descents. Here the nature park presents itself in an alternation of meadows, fields and woods as well as wide views over the Lahn flowing in the valley far into the Taunus, on a clear day as far as the heights of the Großer Feldberg. And on top of that, there is one of the best preserved sections of the Roman Limes in the whole of Rhineland-Palatinate to

General information

  • Loop Road
  • Labelling

Aussichten Lahntal, Kneipp-Becken, Weißer Stein, Römischer Limes und Limesturm

Getting there

Mit dem PKW von Bad Ems über L327 nach Kemmenau


Parkplatz Friedhof (kostenlos)


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