Roman Towers

Short facts

  • start: Hauptbahnhof Bad Ems
  • destination: Hauptbahnhof Bad Ems
  • medium
  • 14,30 km
  • 4 hours 46 minutes
  • 372 m
  • 385 m
  • 84 m
  • 40 / 100
  • 60 / 100

best season

Veni, vidi, gaudi!

Along the UNESCO World Heritage Site Roman Limes and thus on the traces of the old Romans the hiker goes on this tour. Left and right and sometimes even
directly on the way you will find evidence of the former Roman Empire. A
Reconstructed watchtower, incidentally the oldest in Germany, reconstructed palisade walls and tower foundations can be admired.

General information

  • Cultural Interesting
  • Stop at an Inn
  • Loop Road
  • Labelling
  • Good Connection to public Transport

Sehens- & Erlebenswertes
Römerturm am Wintersberg, Hainbuchen, Wachturm 2/2, Palisaden, Wachturm 2/3,
Altes Forsthaus, Malbergturm (begehbarer Aussichtsturm), Adolphstempel, Malbergbahn


Kostenloser Parkplatz am Hauptbahnhof

Public transit

Mit dem Zug nach Bad Ems Hbf


Wanderkarte Bad Ems 1:20.000

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